C/C++ Interactive Reference Guide
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C/C++ Source or Header
130 lines
Header file for RED -- Desmet C version
Source: red.h
Version: January 18, 1990.
Written by
Edward K. Ream
166 N. Prospect
Madison WI 53705
(608) 257-0802
This software is in the public domain.
With respect to the programs and documentation on this disk,
Edward K. Ream specifically disclaims all warranties, express or
implied, including but not limited to implied warranties of
merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. In no event
shall Ream be liable for any loss of profit or commercial damage,
including but not limited to special, incidental, consequential or
other damages.
The following constants select the compiler and enable features.
If #define'd, the feature is enabled.
If NOT #define'd, the feature is disabled.
IBM: code is for the IBM PC/XT/AT
DESMET: code is for the Desmet C compiler.
TURBOC: code is for TURBO C v2.0 compiler.
SWAP: enables auto-swapping of dirty blocks.
SUSPEND: enables quit and auto-restart of RED.
#define IBM 1
#define SUSPEND 1
#include "d:\sherlock\sl.h"
#include <ctype.h>
#include <setjmp.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "redtmp.h"
#include "red1.h"
#include "redbuf.h"
Define constants describing a text line.
These constants must be less than the maximum block
size defined in redbuf.h.
#define MAXLEN 200 /* max chars per line */
#define MAXLEN1 201 /* MAXLEN + 1 */
Define operating system constants.
#define SYSFNMAX 200 /* max length of a path name. */
#define TEMP_FILE "@@TEMP@@.TMP" /* name of temp file */
#define DATA_FILE "@@DATA@@.TMP" /* name of work file */
Define misc. constants.
#define TRUE (1)
#define FALSE (0)
#define ERROR (-1) /* error code */
#define OK (0) /* opposite of ERROR */
#define EOF_MARK (0x1a) /* end-of-file mark */
#define HUGE (32000) /* practical infinity */
Declare globals variables.
extern int hasdn; /* describe terminals. */
extern int hasup;
extern int hasins;
extern int hasdel;
extern int hasint;
extern int hascol;
extern int haswrap;
extern int hasword;
extern int outx; /* cursor position. */
extern int outy;
extern char g_file [SYSFNMAX];
extern jmp_buf DISK_ERR;
extern int fmtcol[MAXLEN1];
extern int a_start, a_end, again_flag, a_rev;
extern int a_rflag, a_wflag, a_cflag;
extern char a_spat [MAXLEN1], a_rpat [MAXLEN1];
Used by buffer routines.
extern int DATA_RES;
extern int b_fatal;
extern int b_cflag;
extern int b_line;
extern int b_max_line;
extern int b_start;
extern int b_head;
extern int b_tail;
extern int b_max_diskp;
extern int b_max_put;
extern int b_data_fd;
extern int b_user_fd;
extern int b_free;
extern struct BLOCK * b_bp;
extern struct BLOCK * b_bpp [MAX_RES];
extern char * br_bufp;
extern int br_bufc;
extern int br_count;
extern int br_avail;
extern int br_out;
extern int bw_count;